The Patient’s Compensation Fund (“PCF”) was established in 1978 by the New Mexico Medical Malpractice Act NMSA 1978, § 41-5-1, et seq.  The PCF is funded through the surcharges paid by its participants, and the Superintendent of Insurance serves as the PCF Custodian.

The purpose of the PCF is to promote the availability of coverage for medical professional liability to health care providers practicing in New Mexico.  The PCF provides an excess layer of coverage to doctors, hospitals, and other health care providers who qualify under the provisions of the Medical Malpractice Act.  The PCF provides limitations on monetary awards, time limits for filing claims, and mandatory panel review of claims.

Most health care providers participating in the PCF meet the financial responsibility requirements of the Act by purchasing medical malpractice insurance policies written on occurrence basis at $250,000 per claim from PCF authorized insurers.  These insurers collect the PCF surcharge along with the primary layer premium and remit it to the PCF.

Effective January 1, 2022, the PCF is administered by Integrion Group, a third-party administrator based in Albuquerque.  You can contact us at, or by visiting our website.

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